From the lab
ALLP research visit at University of Ghana

Meeting the Head of Department and faculty members of the Department of Psychology at the University of Ghana

Gabi, Margaret and Annelies
For the project on Eyewitness Memory in Cross-Cultural Contexts, ALLP members Gabi de Bruïne and Annelies Vredeveldt travelled to Ghana to collect data from rural and urban Ghanaian people. They are collaborating with Dr. Margaret Amankwah-Poku from the University of Ghana, Dr. Nkansah Anakwah from Birmingham City University and two research assistants from the University of Ghana, Genevieva Gordon-Mensah and Lois Ndubajam.

Lecture on culture, trauma and memory
During their visit, they met with the Head of the Department of Psychology and had fruitful conversations with various faculty members. They talked about how we can collaborate to gain more insight into cultural differences in statements, particularly when it concerns memories of emotional events. Annelies also gave a lecture on ‘Culture, trauma, and memory in investigative interviews’ to a mixed audience of faculty and students, which was followed by lively discussions.
The researchers also travelled to Akim Manso, a rural village in the Eastern Region of Accra. There, they were welcomed by the pastor who took them to meet the chief and his elders for a traditional welcome. The chief expressed his gratitude for the researchers’ visit and gave them a warm welcome. Soon, the research team will be returning to Akim Manso to conduct interviews with Ghanaian people from a rural background.

The research team is welcomed by the chief, pastor and elders of Akim Manso