Worldwide media attention for PhD thesis André de Zutter

On the 14th of September 2018, ALLP member André de Zutter defended his PhD thesis, “My Story of the Rape and why I Should be Believed: On how True and False Allegations of Rape Differ”.  In the past month, his findings on differences between true and false allegations of rape have been widely publicized in the news, both nationally and internationally. His research turned out to be extremely relevant in the recent Kavanaugh affair, in which the U.S. Supreme Court nominee was accused of sexual assault. Below, you will find a selection of the news articles (some in Dutch, some in English):

NRC: Verkrachter vroeg om haar nummer
Trouw: Politie kan valse verkrachtingsaangiften niet goed van echt onderscheiden
NOS: Verkrachter zoekt vaak intimiteit: ‘Zou je van mij kunnen houden?’
RTL Nieuws: Frans werd onterecht beschuldigd van verkrachting: ‘Ik dacht aan een grap’
NPO Radio 1: Hoe weet je of een verkrachting echt is?
De Morgen (BE): Checklist moet valse aangiftes van verkrachtingen ontmaskeren
Psychology Today: Can psychology reveal who’s lying to the senate judiciary?
New York Times: For once, I’m grateful for Trump
Vox: Guilty until proven innocent: Trump’s Kavanaugh defense shows how we treat people who report assault